Monday, July 7, 2008

Extraordinary Life

I am currently reading "Living the Extraordinary Life" by Charles Stanley. I absolutely love Charles Stanley and his teachings about the bible. He seems to be able to make me understand what the bible really is meant to teach me and I strongly believe in his sincere work for the Lord.

If anyone else is reading this book, I would love to see what comes to their hearts and what experiences they have while reading it. Please email me!

(on page 4)
Our treasures , the things we hold dear, become offerings of praise and worship to Him.

This simple statement makes me realize that the material things we hold close to our hearts are really supposed to be offerings to God. So this got me thinking, in what way can I offer these things that I enjoy to God in order to prove to Him that I am sincere?

It was really quite simple, "just give them away". So if I give them away to someone else as gifts this would in turn bless the Lord. I think at times, it's hard for us to realize that God intends for us to have more in life and that without Him, we will have nothing.

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