Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coveting - throw it away!

Today I listened to a lady who explained that she allowed her children to look through magazines and toy catalogs in order to see the newest toys and products out on the market. She saw how excited her children were getting in just looking thru the catalogs and how they began to covet those items they didn't have. She learned by watching them that this was not good for them and that she did not want them to start believing that what they had in life was not good enough for them.

So she began to throw those mail catalogs and magazines away. She started limiting Christmas gifts to 3 only. One from each set of grandparents and one from her and her husband. She explained that this has helped them out financially as well as in their walk with God.

I hope that I can recognize these things in my own life and "throw it away!" So when I start to see those Sunday paper inserts for all the sale items, I will pray and ask God to only allow me to search for things that will benefit my family and myself, that I won't get more than I need and I will keep within our spending limits.

I appreciate the story I heard today, but I don't recall who the speaker was. I did however, find a link to some money saving tips that seem rather helpful in my search for the speaker on Google.


It's been a while...

It's been a long while since I've posted on my blog. I'll try to keep it updated more frequently. It seems just as I start to grow close in walking with God, life gets in the way. I really need to learn to just shut everything else out and learn to say no in order to put God first each day of my life. People won't like me for doing so. But it needs to be done.